Saturday, September 5, 2009



I ask for your prayers and well wishes at this time for two our past brides:

Serena Mills became severely ill right after her wedding in February of 2008. She was in and out of the hospital, leaving doctors baffled, as her symptoms did not fall into a clear cut catagory.

After many doctor visits and tests, she was diagnosed with Chron's Disease. Crohn's disease is a chronic inflammatory disease of the intestines, which results in many serious symptoms and pain. Unfortunatley, Crohn's can be managed but not cured. Serena was placed on heavy hitter antibiotics, and over time, developed Clostridium difficile Colitis (aka C. diff).

Serena was just released from the hospital last week after a lengthy stay. After speaking with her mother, it looks as though she may be on the road to recovery. Serena did receive some partially good news, although she is still waiting for confirmation. It appears that she may not have Chron's afterall, but Ulcerticultis (sp?)... which is an improvement. Of course, we wish Serena didn't have to have either.

Katy Carroll-Moncus was recently married, April 18th, 2009. Shortly after returning from her honeymoon, she discovered a lump in her breast. Her worst fears were confirmed on July 13th. Katy has been diagnosed with breast cancer. Katy is one of the most physically fit women I know. She is active "Aflac Iron Girl", participating in triatholons - Swimming, Biking, and Running. Katy is currently undergoing chemotherapy, but no doubt, Katy's iron-tough body will fight and win this battle. Please visit Katy's website:

Serena and Katy, we will continue to pray for your healing and send you loving wishes on your road to recovery. Big hugs! Jules

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

Sincerest prayers of healing that only God can give!